Little steps together


“Parenting a speech-delayed child is about love beyond words.”

Parent and child playing in the park

“From isolated and overwhelmed, to empowered and connected.”

Lucy is on a mission to empower and support parents of speech-delayed children. Faced with the stark realisation of the lack of available services for her own son, Lucy understands first-hand how isolating and overwhelming this experience can be. She now provides resources, advocacy, and community for families navigating similar challenges so that no parent ever has to feel the way she did when she realised her son wasn’t meeting milestones.

How we can help parents of

speech-delayed children:

Speech therapy
Group of People Making Circle with Their Hands
application form

We empower parents with strategies they can start using at home, today.

Our network includes experts who can help, and parents in the same situation.

We help parents applying for funding including DLA, and liaising with other professionals.

Team of Happy Young Women Joining Hands, Feeling United, Confident and Empowered


We understand first-hand how frustrating it is when you are desperate to start supporting your child’s development, but waiting lists (both NHS and private!) are painfully long.

Book a discovery call today to understand the support available in your area and hit the ground running.

Pile of White Paper


When you are isolated and overwhelmed, it can be hard to fight the many battles of being the parent of a speech-delayed child.

Let us walk this journey alongside you and help to carry the burden.

Team Putting Their Hands Together


Being the parent of a speech-delayed child can feel uniquely isolating.

Little Steps Together aims to connect parents to celebrate mini-milestones, share experiences, and walk this journey together.

Ready to start

taking little steps with me?